My phone is taking such small pictures maybe since I dropped it twice today.

Above, is a mori girl inspired lolita outfit. The idea behind mori girl is that you look like you just stepped out from a forest. Often natural hues, with frills, and other cute or beautiful elements.
Dress: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Simple Shoes
Scarf: Handmade
Next is my first attempt at Japanese school girl outfit. Uniform fashion is a bit popular in Japan. It is very simple, classy, a little bit sexy, and a lotta bit adorable. I made the skirt for a cosplay, so it is not high quality. The shirt's from a bowling league and the tie is DKNY, but styled shortly.
I've noticed that most girls like to wear their skirts at the natural waist, which is rather high, rather than above the hip. This method allows the hem of the skirt to fall rather high and therefore elongate the legs.
On the right, is with cardigan. The sweater was given to me by E.E. and I didn't have an outfit for it til now. I am often thankful for her generous recycling of garments to me!
Now all I really need is a spiffy leather bag to carry my textbooks! And make up and bento...
Shiny black leather shoes would also help.
Well the pictures are big again! So here's a nice close up of the hair style.

There are blue iridescent berries from my yard, and also miniature durian shaped pine cones. The hair's very wavy, like a crimp, due to yesterday's braid style while wet.
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