Monday, January 3, 2011

Red Sky at Night

It's almost a new year, and I aim to work on blogs daily, until I catch up.

Red Sky at Night Tea Party was hosted by Baby, the Stars Shine Bright and Alice and the Pirates, San Francisco store on July 27th, 2010. Since Kalamari Kastle covered it so well, I will focus on my experience and outfit creation process, instead of the Event itself.

Thank you the Awesome snap, Kalamari Kastle!

Kalamari Kastle also created a nice album from where I got this photo.

The party and fashion contest theme was nautical/pirate. My entry idea was Jack Sparrow x Lolita. The dress is BtSSB Red Riding Hood and was my first Lolita dress. Over that is an underbust corset, (I associate pirates with corsets) and a Sweets Net. The Sweets Net is what a one captures from an ocean of sweets and toys. Under the dress was a ragged hNAOTO skirt. My hair was braided, beaded and adorned with necklaces, mini leather tricorn hat with feathers, cupcake and more. I even painted my nails seaside style and glued sand to the tips. The outfit took several hours to create.

I wanted to show off some good friends, too. I really do love Kalamari Kastle's photos.

The guest of honor was Intetsu the bassist from the band Ayabie. Intetsu also models for Alice and the Pirates, which is BtSSB's other brand. Alice and the Pirates is a Lolita brand with the idea of Alice in Wonderland's adventures with a band of pirates. They feature a gothic style of dresses and designs for male or androgynous Lolitas.

Intetsu to signed some of his Modeling photos.

[photos of autographs, updates coming.]

Lolitas waiting for the Tea Party to start.

Photograph by X-al

Red Sky is where I first met Takamasa Sakurai, whom I call Sakusaku-san.

Photograph by X-al

He wrote an article about Red Sky for his Kawaii Column in Weekly Ascii, I'm in it!

During the Tea Party, Sakusaku-san and Intetsu-san both took a big part as hosts. Here they are calling out the Lucky Numbers for fabulous prizes. The lottery cage is cute.

Photograph by X-al

Our table's group photos.

Our table. Photograph by Phil Shinkai

Photograph by X-al

After eating, and raffling, they had the Fashion contest Promenade. We walked into the main room, and showed our outfits. I did some sort of flourish. There were lots of people in the contest, and everyone looked great.

I won second prize! Intetsu-san MoeMoeKyun'ed me with his hand gesture when they announced the winners. The prize was an Alice and the Pirates Rose Marine print jumper skirt, a mesh blouse, and Strawberry Princess red metallic print black tote bag. (Blog on prize outfit soon! Check back for link.)

At the end of the night, we received a parting gift. Alice and the Pirates socks and an autographed postcard of Intetsu. Intetsu-san also took Individual Photos with each lolita. Since I didn't have a camera, I'm showing you X-al's. Hopefully I'll get my hands on a copy of mine one day.

 It was great meeting new friends and Lolita Lovers.


  1. Beautiful! Lovely photos~ I love your style!

    1. Thank you! All the photographs were taken by other people, although it was great fun to attend! Thank you!
